Please submit your title and abstract here. Submit as a pdf. See the LaTeX template, MSword template, and pdf examples.
The workshop will have both talks and posters. All talks will be plenary. They will take place in the hotel’s Grand Ballroom, using the front 2/3 of the space. The back 1/3 will be used for the posters. The program committee will organize the conference sessions from titles and abstracts submitted by conference participants. We tentatively have scheduled the sessions as follows:
- Monday talks 8:30—11:40 am and 2:30—6:00 pm
- Tuesday talks 8:30—11:40 am and 2:30—6:00 pm
- Tuesday posters 8:00—11:00 pm
- Wednesday talks 8:30—11:40 am
- KSC tour 1:00—6:00 pm
- Wednesday posters 8:00—11:00 pm
- Thursday talks 8:30—11:40 am and 2:30—6:00 pm
- Thursday networking dinner 6:30—10:00 pm
- Friday talks 8:30—11:40 am and 2:30—6:00 pm